Monday, September 30, 2019

Laziness through Technology Essay

Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society and the environment. Modern inventions have made people lazy because they make things easier. In a BBC News article, Dr. Richard Weiler and Dr. Emmanuel Stamakis argue that technology in the form of energy saving devices like remote controls, has led humanity to an inactive lifestyle which poses risks to people’s health. Dr. Stamakis said, â€Å"Sedentary living is the most prevalent disease, silent killer, and greatest health threat facing developed countries.† Technology inventions have also reduced humans’ physical activity, making them lazy. Technology governs the lives of people especially children (Wise, â€Å"Does technology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). see more:technology make us lazy Web search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing have changed the way youth learn and remember information according to a study by Department of Information Management. Having practically all the information they could ever need has caused students to subconsciously not store away as much data, scientists claim. Researchers have examined the role of the internet in changing the nature of human memory. For instance, students forget things they are confident they can find online, while likely to remember things they think are unavailable online. Due to the excessive usage of online chatting and shortcuts, the writing skills of today’s young generation have declined quite tremendously. These days, children are relying more and more on digital communication that they have totally forgot about improving their writing skills. They don’t know the spelling of different words, how to use grammar properly or how to do cursive writing. (Oliveira, â€Å"is technology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) . Today experts call them the M2 Generation—highly technological children whose lives seem to revolve around the media. With the constant exposure that children have to television, computers, mobile devices, and video games, it seems there are no limits to the amount of time children spend with technological devices. According to a survey cited by Brian Wallace, in just five years, media use has increased from six and a half to nearly seven and a half hours a day in children between the ages of eight and eighteen. Even more alarming, children have become masters at multitasking, often using two or more media devices at the same time. Counting each device separately, these kids have found a way to cram in a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes of media content into those seven and a half hours. These findings epitomize the very phase â€Å"media saturation.† Children now spend more time with technology than they do with their family, in school and sleeping. These have adverse effects on children’s performance in school(Wallace, â€Å"The effect of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Furthermore, 16% of children that are between the ages of six-nineteen years old are overweight or obese, a number that has tripled since 1980 mostly due to electronic usage. Being overweight can bring with it great health concerns. Many of these children have a good chance of developing Type II Diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, social discrimination, high cholesterol and/or blood pressure. Also, according to a Stanford University of Medicine study, elementary students consume 20% of their daily calorie intake while watching television, which usually includes unhealthy snacks, largely due to advertisements for junk food and boredom. Coincidently, kids are not burning off any of these calories while they are plopped in front of the television (Wallace, â€Å"The effect of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Similarly, spending hours in front of screen, whether it is a television or computer, can quickly contribute to a serious decrease in the amount of physical activity a child gets during the day. A child needs at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day to maintain a healthy weight and level of fitness. The more technology time a child engages in, the less the child daily dose of physical activity will be. This can in turn contribute to negative effects such as weight gain. Also, televisions, laptops, tablets, cell phones, iPod and all of the other technological devices that children use, they are constantly inundated with an array of media images these often include negative behaviors such as underage drinking, drug use or risky sexual situations. With the use of technology the media portrays an idealized image of the teenager when it comes to weight and appearance (Loop, â€Å"Exposing the negative†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Furthermore, technology has a bad effect in the Environment, old electronics are dumped into landfills and these can lead to toxins such as lead, mercury and lithium into the environment. Electronics account for two percent to five percent of the trash that reaches America landfills every year. According to a Green Citizen, a California based company that works to reduce waste, an average computer screen contains up to eight pounds of lead, which in excessive amount can cause nerve disorders and joint pain in adults and high level of lead in children has been associated with brain damage and anemia (Stanic, â€Å"Bad effect of†¦). Also, modern technology is affecting people’s sleep. The artificial light from television and computer screen affects melatonin productions and throws off circadian rhythms, preventing deep, restorative sleep. A research by Sara Thomas shows that heavy cell phone use showed an increase in sleep disorders in men and an increase in depressive symptoms in both men and women, men who use computers intensively were more likely to develop sleeping problems., regular, late night computer use was associated with sleep disorders and stress in both men and women. The relationship between stress, sleep disorders and depressions has more to do with the overuse of technology in our society, especially among young people (Volpis, â€Å"Heavy techno†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Top of Form Today, computers do this job instead of workers, with the rise in technology, many jobs that require little skills have been replaced by computers and machines. This is a type of structural unemployment. An example of this is the supermarket checkout systems. Initially many cashiers were employed by supermarkets, with a majority of these people being aged under 24. With the introduction of the computer checkout systems, these cashiers are now in less demand and has created more unemployment, particularly amongst the youth. The developments of the internet and online shopping have significantly reduced the number of retail workers. In society today literally anything can be bought online. These types of unskilled jobs were again predominantly taken up by under 24 year olds who were using these jobs to fund their education (U.S. Department of Labor 2004). Moreover, the internet has stripped the world of privacy. Long gone are the days of having an unlisted telephone number and staying offline to keep your information safe from prying eyes. A few flicks on a keyboard can help average person to find anyone’s address and contact information. Those with more sinister intentions, the use of phishing, viruses and hacking helps to find any information they wish to obtain. Plus, people have no sense of privacy online. They do not think twice about twitting every move they make, freely giving out their location on Google Map and putting their entire life story on Facebook. The evidence is overwhelming technology has caused isolation, lack of social skills, bad writing skills, poor sleep habits and laziness. Works Cited Loop, Erica. â€Å"Exposing the negative effects of technology on kids.† Global post 15 March 2012. Web. 25 March 2014. Mart, Coollen. â€Å"Technology making us lazy.† Inside Technology 4 October 2010. Web. 25 March 2014. Olivera, Micheal. â€Å"Is technology hurting us by making life easier.† The Canadian Press 27 December 2012. Web. 25 March 2014. Stanic, Claudia. â€Å"Bad effects of modern technology in the environment.† eHOW. 17 November 2013. Web. 2 Wallace, Brian. â€Å"The effect of media and technology on young children.† Social Media Today Wise, Jon. â€Å"Does technology make us lazy.† SIOW. 17 September 2013. Web. 25 March 2014. Volpi, David. â€Å"Heavy technology use linked to fatigue, stress and depression in young adults.† Huffpost 8 February 2012. Web. 25 March 2014.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alaska Coffee Company Essay

Sure Powell was given input by his retail managers, employees and customers, but he wasn’t given any advice from people that new the company inside and out. All the people that offered him advice had no knowledge regarding the financials or other intricate facets of the company. If he had a board of directors he might be able to make more informed decisions that better serve the company as a whole. It is clear he also didn’t have a clear process for managers to go through to implement changes and or suggestions. The chain of command was vague and rarely used except by going directly to or through him. His attitude of â€Å"let it rip† is great because it gives employees freedom to thing outside the box and make them feel like they are a major part of the company but does not give any structure to them. His marketing background is most likely a key contributor to the company’s success in implementing new products and keeping customers coming back but with no real experience in running a company before this he lacked the human resource skills necessary for a company to thrive which is clear in his passive leadership role. External Environmental Analysis Some of the key external forces with company were in the beginning not really having any competition which let the company grow and lock down a loyal customer base. Also with the Alaskan environment suiting coffee drinkers because of the mild to colder weather. Staying confined in one city also helped the brand name grow through word of mouth and helped lock down business opportunities. Having a roaster facility in the city also cut down on expenses and helped keep the coffee fresh which was one of their staple trademarks to serve the freshest coffee possible. Internal Environmental Analysis Some of the key internal forces for ACC were the fact that the company was built on loyal workers who stayed in the company due to chances for promotion and growth. Along with that and Powell’s leadership style it let employees act somewhat freely and have input into a company that strived to stay away from a corporate feel. The quality of the products that they offered also helped them since they were considered to have the top of the line products some of which were considered to be the best in the world. Having a small chain of command is also beneficial to the employees because it allows them to get things done relatively quickly without having to wait for it to go through many different levels of management. With most customers saying that the coffee was addicting and the atmosphere was very pleasant it leads to a happy environment for customers and workers alike allowing for the business to strive. Another problem of the external environment is that the shops were not strategically located. The areas that they were placed in were researched to some extent but not fully like a major company like Starbucks would do to make sure they can get the most out of the market. Not only that but they didn’t own all the building or locations that they were in having leased some of the spaces with only year contracts. SWOT Analysis The opportunities to grow for the ACC seemed to be limitless since they had already successfully competed with local competition and it did not affect their bottom line to a level of concern for them until, world conglomerate Starbucks entered the scene. Once they came on scene it became clear that competition would become a threat and opportunities could and would shrink. This was and is the biggest threat to ACC since Starbucks is already a well known product that strives to give customers the â€Å"Starbucks Experience†. This is where the customer can feel comfortable getting the same service and products at any store in the world compared to ACC’s differently styled shops and styles of running the stores. This is probably of the greatest concern since most of their stores have different layouts and feels you can’t go to one ACC store and then go to another and feel like it is just like the one you already visited. One strength that ACC has is that it is a local company built on staying small and having a non corporate feel. They also strive to employee young workers in a state that is economically stricken and worried about their young adults leaving the state to live elsewhere. One weakness I believe that they have is that their merchandise can be over priced and even though started to compete with lower priced items there were no real studies done on how well the products would do. One of their major weaknesses is their human resources department and their lack of technical support. They switched to new major software with no one that could fix a problem if one occurred. Business-Level Strategy Their strategy was to find a way to keep their customers loyal while offering the best possible choices in specialty coffees and to help contribute to the great state of Alaska’s economy. Their potential for success I believe is still quite good. As long as Powell can overhaul is leadership strategy and his chain of command, I think they could become even more profitable than they already are. He needs to make a lot of changes but he has the right idea and now he just needs to build on it. Even though it may not be the Alaskan way of doing things he needs to come up with written ways and policies to go about key things in his business. The communication chain also must be improved for the business to continue to be successful. Cooperative Strategy ACC has some key alliances in place already with major retailers already selling their products in wholesale as well as, disturbing them as needed. Having an alliance with an already established local produce market has obviously been key to their early success and I would guess that those are the stores that continue to post the most profits. Since they do not have a written agreement in place I would recommend that he do so because if he were to lose those locations to say Starbucks, it could be detrimental to his business. Even though some of the major retailers already offer Starbucks products to the public, it is important that ACC stays on good terms with them so as not to lose their business since they are solely confined to Alaska any lose of a major retailer could have vastly negative effects. It is also key that stay in good relationships with the companies that they do their major business with for the same reasons as above. Options and Recommendation In order for ACC to stay in the specialty coffee market, they will need to do some drastic overhauling. Starting with Powell, he needs to establish a direct chain of command and follow through with it. He already gives managers leeway with projects but he has to help them make more informed decision so that he will not have to cancel projects. He also needs to bring in a financial analyst to help teach his managers how to budget and be more open with the financials of the business. After that he needs to revamp his human resource department and definitely bring in an IT specialist to help deal with any software issues. While he also needs to bring in people to train all the essential employees on how to use the software adequately enough that they will be able to teach new employees. I would say he then needs to have a clear line of vision of where he wants the company to go and how he wants it to get there. In order to do that I believe he needs a committee or a board of directors to help weigh in on decisions and help spark new ways and ideas of innovating and implementing strategies. It is also apparent that he needs to upgrade his facilities so that they can operate at full capacity which will also help get rid of some of the overhead he has. Then he needs to establish one way that all stores will look and future stores will be laid out. The one thing that he may not want to do because it may seem like they are going corporate but there are too many uncertainties from one store to the next. They do not have to be identical but the way things are done internally and as far as customer service goes that should be. Overall I think ACC can last and be the main Specialty Coffee supplier in Alaska he just needs to do a little overhauling.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

PDP-Learning diary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

PDP-Learning diary - Assignment Example Discussion in seminars is primarily based on individuals’ learnedness as well as oratory skills. In this paper, I have discussed how our previous learning experiences shape our tendency to gain further knowledge. People hold different views about intelligence and learning. Some believe that intelligence is a God gifted skill while others think that it is one of the skills that can be polished with hard work and attention. Although this is basically true, our previous learning experiences shape our perceptions of ourselves as learners. These perceptions primarily control our confidence and hence, the tendency to learn, though these perceptions keep evolving as we gain more experience. I used to think that I had a problem with my auditory skills when I was in the elementary school. It was not until I changed my school that I realized that the back benchers could not listen clearly in the previous school because of faulty classroom design. This realization inculcated great confidence in me, and the effort I previously exerted in hearing the lecture was now being utilized in understanding it. I felt like God has recreated my ears. This also had a significant impact on my grades that had changed for good. †¢ Block 2b: Reflection on essay feedback Recently, I have had the teacher’s comments on an essay that I had written. In this paper, I have reflected upon the teacher’s feedback.... I was taken aback with surprise. That was the loveliest day of my life. I felt so fulfilled. That trophy assured me that I had the talent to rock in the world of academia. I fundamentally attribute all my love for studies to that first trophy. I have consistently been a position holder since then. Yes, academic achievement reinforces positive attitudes in students. Block1b: Reflection on discussion in seminars Discussion in seminars is primarily based on individuals’ learnedness as well as oratory skills. In this paper, I have discussed how our previous learning experiences shape our tendency to gain further knowledge. People hold different views about intelligence and learning. Some believe that intelligence is a God gifted skill while others think that it is one of the skills that can be polished with hard work and attention. Although this is basically true, our previous learning experiences shape our perceptions of ourselves as learners. These perceptions primarily control our confidence and hence, the tendency to learn, though these perceptions keep evolving as we gain more experience. I used to think that I had a problem with my auditory skills when I was in the elementary school. It was not until I changed my school that I realized that the back benchers could not listen clearly in the previous school because of faulty classroom design. This realization inculcated great confidence in me, and the effort I previously exerted in hearing the lecture was now being utilized in understanding it. I felt like God has recreated my ears. This also had a significant impact on my grades that had changed for good. Block 2b: Reflection on essay feedback Recently, I have had the teacher’s comments on an essay that I had written. In this paper, I have reflected upon

Friday, September 27, 2019

HRM2013 Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

HRM2013 Human Resource Management - Essay Example The structure of the organization will determine the responsibilities, reporting structure and hierarchy. Organizational structure varies depending on locations, nature of business and people. It helps in arranging people and jobs to meet the requirements of the management. The structure of the organization impacts the workplace culture and employee behavior, motivation, performance, job satisfaction. (About Organizational Structure, n.d) There are 3 different types of organizational structures that are used in fast food companies depending on the size, technology and span of control; they are Bureaucratic Organizational structure: This form is often found rigid and inflexible as they are not accustomed to changes. Network structure Functional Organizational structure (Walter, 2011) Chuck E Cheese is one of the best fast food joints which are not present in the UK. It’s a great place for the kids as there are many attractions such as games and rides. Most of the fast food join ts adopt a very traditional organizational structure to their outlets. To establish Chuck E Cheese in the UK, it is best to have a centralized organizational structure where decisions are made by the top management. For chuck e cheese to enter the UK market, it is important to utilize a multinational strategy which helps the company to develop products that would reach the UK market. It helps the company to adapt to the local trends. If chuck E Cheese is to enter the UK market, it is better it practices a decentralized organizational structure where in decision making can be made by lower level management. This provides an opportunity for the top management to focus on other issues as opposed to looking over subunit level details. (Organizational Issues in Strategy, n.d) II. Employee Relations It is very important to have a good employer employee relationship as it helps in communicating issues, views and other requirements. Managers play a crucial role in maintaining good employee relations. The public sector organization considered is the British Council. This organization has well laid staff policies and procedures which includes the following- The employer employee relationship Industrial relations Grievances Discipline Confidentiality and Integrity The supervisors of the British council are given the primary responsibility in managing staff; recruitment; motivation; health safety and staff welfare; recognition and reward programs. At the British Council, the employee relations are based on equality of opportunity. There is a two way communication between the employees and the management. If there has been any deviation in the British Council policy, the reason must be clearly justified to the human resource department. There are number of factors that affect the relationship between the employees and the supervisors such as- Policies and procedures of the company Company’s internal values and standards Contractual agreement Social norms One of the main important employee policies is to provide equal opportunities to all irrespective of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Coriolis Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coriolis Effect - Essay Example The first influence of the Coriolis effect is related to the ocean. It can influence the ocean through the interaction with other factors such as temperature and the physical characteristics of the ocean basin. Another important influence is related to the surface currents with broad circulatory patterns referred to as gyres. Basically, the Coriolis effect causes the clockwise movement of the gyres in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise movement in the Southern Hemisphere. Surface currents though do not cross the equator but waters in the equatorial region are affected by the tropical easterlies or trade winds thus producing the Equatorial Current. The Coriolis effect then causes the movement of warm water to the pole while the cool water currents flow to the equatorial region (Gabler and others 2008, p.133). The influence of Coriolis effect is also visible in the atmospheric phenomena such as the wind currents and other air currents and movements such as cyclones. Coriolis effect in relation to the wind currents can be related to different factors such as the force, the friction and pressure gradient. One example is the geostrophic wind which goes parallel to isobars and is affected by the friction and pressure gradient and turns 90 degrees due to Coriolis effect.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Proposal & Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Proposal & Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example major aspect consisting of the effects of the potentially more economical and eco-friendly cars, including hybrid supercars, hybrid everyday cars, and electrical cars. Week 8: Find and visit any local manufacturers of new generation cars where I will ask questions about the relevant details regarding the environmental friendliness of the cars. Annotate the bibliography. This book is very essential for my research on the new generation of cars purposefully because it is the seventh report that the National Research Council has carried with the aim of creating more partnerships for the new generation of cars. Prospects indicate that the book composes of concrete data based on the progress of automobile programs and gives the reader more than just insights into the subject. As such, it will facilitate my research given that it has corporative research findings and developmental programs from the largest manufacturers of cars such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors. This review offers greater knowledge into the concepts behind the ongoing hybridization of the automobile world. In its preview, the book considers the essence of providing readers and researchers a base for advent knowledge on where these manufacturers of hybrid cars get their financial support. Additionally, the book offers an interdisciplinary nature of hybrid electric cars, which fall under the category of the new generation cars. With a wide range of findings and observations made and documented by very competent researchers from the National Research Council, this book offers a structural composition of the measures the users of the new generation of cars have to consider when using them. With that respect, this book is essential for this research, as it will provide a basis for understanding the level of eco-friendliness offered by these new generations of cars. Perhaps unwittingly, the tagline of this book makes it understandable that the new generation of cars requires to be not only

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Video case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Video - Case Study Example The sponsors of the project brought together US army, US navy requirements for a fighting plane into a single design. They demanded supersonic, single-engine, single-seat that is stealth, short take-off, multirole features and vertical landing (Rinaldi, 2001). At the top of the requirement list is efficiency in cost while assembling all features from the predecessor plane into one. The top-level requirement was to land vertically, take-off at shorter runways and remain invisible to enemies in war. JSF program came into being under a program structure that had a basis of a complicated set of association that brings together government Department of Defense (DOD) and industry players Boeing and Lockheed Martin. In addition, on board were eight other partners including Canada, UK, and Australia. The development was shaped in a competition outfit given to Boeing and Lockheed-Martin for a period of four years, which took the government a total of $200 billion. The SJF program in design focused on coming up with a solution to the challenges the partners explained they faced in air combat planes. The focus by Boeing included improving on affordability, the capability to perform while it remains a fighter machine. The design focused on takeoff and landing approaches to a superior war-based machine. The takeoff was to be a short runway and a vertical landing. They came up with refined empennage that had horizontal tails to enhance control power. They maintained the leading-edge sweep of the delta wing for speeds and stealth merits. Moreover, they came up with an aft-sweeping chin inlet, which is regarded lighter with superior aerodynamic performance for the attack. From the earlier F-22 raptor, F-16 version, the decided to maintain wing sweep, vertical tail, fore-body and wingspan with addition of diagonal fins. They also adopted the low weight and simple machine for a direct lift design (Rinaldi,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Behavioural Problems and Emotional Disturbances in School Students Essay

Behavioural Problems and Emotional Disturbances in School Students - Essay Example Having even one student with psychological and /or behavioural difficulties means that there will be a breakdown in communications with all the ensuing problems that involves. According to Pravda ( 2000) the National Institute of Mental Health declared that they estimate that there are 12 million American school children with mental illness, and that there are approximately 4 % of American school children have either attention deficit disorder ( ADD) or ADHD - Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder. Similar statistics will apply in other western countries. This means that on average there is one or more such child in every class. Kids Matter ( 2010) states that approximately half of all serious mental health condition shave their beginnings before adolescence. A child with a mental health problem can be defined as being someone with behaviour that is disturbing to themselves or to others and which affects their ability to function socially. In document 3 The American National Sur vey of Children and adolescents ( page 3 1997-2010) breaks down difficulties experienced into four groups. Some of these may seem to be purely physical difficulties , but these can present or add to mental health issues if they cause stress to the children concerned. :- (1) Neurological, as when a child is perhaps especially clumsy, ( dyspraxia) or has a mild degree of spasticity which affects his ability do such things as write clearly or who is frequently dropping things. These children find difficulties using both large and small muscles and could exclude themselves from play as it is just too difficult to catch balls etc. Teachers who are aware of their particular difficulties will be sympathetic to their needs and won’t for instance attempt to force them to undertake athletic tasks which are beyond their physical difficulties and will encourage them in what they can do. Simple things can help such as using special pens , or just winding tape round a normal one to give th em something larger to grip can help. Occupational therapists may be able to give positive advice and support. (2) Cognitive, as when a child is operating at an intellectual level below what might be expected for his chronological age. It is necessary to discover whether there is a particular problem which can be helped. Can the child hear and see clearly perhaps? Regular medical checks for all school children should pick up on such conditions. (3) Language, perhaps a refusal to engage with others. This could be due to depression, anxiety or autism among other possible reasons, including physical ones such as tongue tie or deafness. It can prove very difficult to teach children if they cannot engage and communicate. Teachers need to come up with strategies that encourage to participate, rather than just asking questions of whole classes to which only a proportion of children will respond. (4) Behaviour, e.g an inability to concentrate, or temper tantrums, swearing as in Touretteâ₠¬â„¢s Syndrome, or a constant seeking of attention. However individual children may have any combination of these problems, which the survey reveals are much more likely to be obvious in those in contact with social agencies. A child with autism to whatever degree for instance may have difficulties in understanding because of their difficulties in interpreting

Sunday, September 22, 2019

3 marketing strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3 marketing strategies - Essay Example The market follower strategy makes the new entrant follow the existing technologies or products to maintain its own market share playing the role of counterfeit, cloner, imitator or adaptor. The third major launch strategy is the nichemanship where the new entrants target a small market segment and try to meet the needs of a certain group of customers offering premium price with specialization in the field. Emaar Group of Saudi Arabia entering the hotel business is an example of the market challenge strategy of business launch. Emaar Group is an established brand in the real estate sector in the country. Their offerings include houses, schools, healthcare centres and many more to which they are going to add â€Å"The Address Hotels and Resorts†, their five star premium global brand of leisure and hospitality. The hospitality sector is already a much flourished sector in the Saudi Arabia dominated by Jumeirah’s rep the leading hotel brand in the country. The fast and aggressive strategy of the Emaar Hospitality Group taking control over both business and leisure tourists through its sub brands including Resort, Retreat, Urban and Business with the help of its around 100 newly recruited hotel staff has threatened the business of Jumeirah’s rep. With this aggressive market challenge and attack strategy of launch the Emaar Group expects to control the hospitality marke t in the Middle East, North Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Asia, Europe and America in the next 10 years to come (Anon. â€Å"Joined up†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 2008). E-banking is not a new concept in the banking services when the Samba Financial Group started its business in the Saudi Arabia in 1980 taking over two existing branches of Citibank in the country. Since the beginning it initiated core banking system in its branches following the technology used by the Citibank and customizing it to fit

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Drug Addiction Among Young People Essay Example for Free

Drug Addiction Among Young People Essay Many young people today get addicted to drugs – they become dependant on various types of mind-altering or stimulating medicines or illegal ones. Addiction often comes hand-in-hand with narcotic effects, whether they are strong or light. It is only a question of time when you get addicted. You gradually become destroyed on all the levels of your health. And this is sad. It turns out to be sadder when you come to know that typical age range of drug addicts is from 15 to 30 years. People of this age represent the main working group in a country, they are both core and roots of a society. The addiction is also wide-spread geographically – you can find people having problems with drugs everywhere, not only in low-life countries, but in well-developed ones too. First of all, young people are especially vulnerable to different sorts of illegal things. Usually it all starts in schools. Children from problematic backgrounds often go into alcohol and then into drugs. First comes the psychological addiction and then physical – you want and you need. They destroy you and then destroy you harder as you get more tolerant to substances. The biggest group of addicts are students as they get off their families and there is no one over them to control. Plus, the spirit of freedom often blinds them and then they cannot get rid of their addiction. The life of addicts becomes spoiled in all spheres – social, as they need to communicate with other addicts, they lose their contacts with families and friends; economical – as they spend all their money on drugs (which are usually very expensive), addicts start to earn their money illegally (running rackets, prostitution, etc.) – all these problems are incidental if to compare them to health problems – drugs are primary dangerous to people health. Opiates like heroin are the most murderous drugs – they waste away your physical resources and supress your hearts work. Heroin is even more dangerous as the form of injections is the most appropriate for achieving  the narcotic effect. Here comes the AIDS. This disease is often called epidemy of our century as there is no treatment and effects are hard to resist and it is lethal.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Platos Cave Analysis

Platos Cave Analysis Imagine a subterranean cave in which humans are shackled by their necks to a single place. They have been held there all of their lives. Fires placed behind the group by unseen forces have left these prisoners to see their own shadows play upon a screen. Those held are not even aware that the images and shadows that they see are themselves. Yet, these shadows hold sway; the prisoners are fascinated. The illusion so effective, that the prisoners do not recognize their imprisonment and are satisfied to live their lives in this way. What would happen if one of these prisoners would be set free? The prisoner would be helpless, his eyes would be overloaded, and he could not stand up on his own. Inundated with sensory information, his mind would refuse to accept what the senses were submitting as true. It would not be surprising if anyone released from such a prison would wish to stay. Stay with the known. Stay with what is comfortable. Not for our prisoner though. Our prisoner, forced to turn away from the fire, begins a long uncomfortable journey through a tunnel toward a blinding light coaxed by the liberator toward the uncomfortable. The light is blinding. Finally emerging from the cave, eyes burning, senses raging, the prisoner soon finds a new, unimaginable world. No longer fascinated by shadow, the prisoner is free to learn about the world, and more importantly, themselves. This paper will explore how this story has been translated to modern audiences through the film, The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999). Platos cave myth has been a wonderful allegory for the quest for knowledge for 2,400 years. Plato published this cave myth in The Republic; the allegory of the cave is arguably the most famous section of this work. What may come as a surprise to many is that there are parallels to the cave myth in many of todays contemporary stories. One of which, is the tale of Neo in The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999). Who can forget the image when Neo wakes to find himself bound in a tube, he struggles free, released from his prison, he is made to grasp the truth of his life and the world. He finds that all of his life up to that point has been an elaborate illusion created for him to hide him from the fact that he been held prisoner his entire life. This paper will show that both of these stories reflect a Socratic search for knowledge and a deeper understanding of the good. The myth of the cave is an allegory in which we follow our prisoner on his quest for what Socrates, Platos teacher, referred to as the just life (Plato: The Republic). Socrates primary concern was that our souls be in the best condition possible (Plato: Phaedo). The way in which this is accomplished is through examination and questioning ones place within the world. The cave myth gives a literary account of the Socratic Method, as well an example as to the logic and approach of Socrates relentless questioning. In this way, we have a view into Socrates methodology, and furthermore, into Socrates notion for care of the soul (Plato: Phaedo). Socrates care of the soul is comprised of these four elements: beliefs in meaning, admission of ignorance, questioning of reality, and hope in an answer, or to put it another way, trust in the knowledge of the good (Plato: Phaedo). On this subject of care of the soul, there is a deep comparability between The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999)and Platos a llegory (Plato: The Republic). We can make a closer examination into the comparison between Neo and our prisoner on his quest for the care of the soul. Like the allegory of the Cave, The Matrix dramatically conveys the view that ordinary appearances do not depict true reality and that gaining the truth changes ones life. Using the ideas of care of the soul, we are asked to examine belief in meaning. Saying this differently we are asked to believe what we hold to be true. The prisoners can differentiate shadows and sounds, apply names to the shadows depicting things and even discern the patterns in their presentation. To this extent, they have some true beliefs and some false assumptions, but before the discussion regresses into a metaphysical exercise; whether or not a thing is a thing because we name it so, or whether or not the thing has its own inherent thingness it is safe to say that we can all hold some things to be true. However, there are things that are mysterious to all in the case of the cave and in The Matrix. In both stories, there is omnipresent image of the unseen hand at work; those who are responsible for the structure of the cave and the world in which the matrix exists. In an online posting, John Partridge, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College, explores the correlation between these two stories. He suggests that, Many contemporary readers recoil at the awful politics of the Cave. Who, after all, are the puppeteers? Why do they deceive their fellow cave dwellers (Partridge)? It is only through the understanding and realization that there is an unseen hand, or truths with which we had been oblivious, that we can fully come to learn the truth. For the prisoner, it is through his release that he comes to realize that his notion of truth is skewed. For Neo, he had been suspicious of his reality for some time and seeks understanding. The fascinating thing for Neo is that when his situation comes to a head and he finally meets Morpheus, his liberator and teacher, he is informed that he cannot be told what is untrue, he must be shown. Interestingly, Neo is afforded a choice, the path of ignorance in the form of a blue pill or the path of knowledge in the form of a red pill. The taking of the red pill is an admission of ignorance. In this way, the notion of admission of ignorance is forced on him in the form of a choice. The prisoner and Neo are similar, they must be brought into the light of knowledge, and into the admission of their own ignorance. The similari ties continue, they both share a common path to understanding that their notions of truth have been given to them and that reality itself is not what it seems. Conversely, there are some differences between the two stories by way of the coming to admission of ignorance and the understanding of truth. Neos path to understanding truth is one that starts out with him living comfortably with the sneaking suspicion that there is a something not quite right with the world. His quest to understand what is wrong with the world leads him inexorably into a very dark and dystopian reality filled with conflict and misery. Their only purpose is as food for the machines. Furthermore, it is a world with people forced underground. His quest literally leads him into the cave. By contrast, we have the story of the prisoner. The prisoner is released from bondage. He/She did not actively seek to understand their world or acquire new knowledge. He/She would have been just as happy watching shadows on the screen. The path to understanding may have been difficult and uncomfortable, but in the end, the prisoner is lead to the light of knowledge, a utopian world wi thin which the prisoner is now truly free. Neo, knowing what being a prisoner means, has his greatest fears realized when he discovers that he has always been a slave and is now relegated to a fearful existence. The prisoner, on the other hand, comes to the realization of what being a prisoner means, and is delighted with his/her new life. Thus, we have the juxtaposition of the objective versus the subjective. The next tenet of understanding Socrates care of the soul is the questioning of reality. Released from the illusory world, our prisoner is lead down the path of understanding. Socrates states, and then conceive some one saying to him, that what he saw before was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and his eye is turned towards more real existence, he has a clearer vision, what will be his reply (Plato: The Republic)? What would his reply be? He would be drawn into questioning everything after he now believes that he had been mystified all this time. This is where we would find Neo brought back into the matrix for training by Morpheus, again we have an inverse of realities but the aims are the same. The prisoner is coming to question and understand the real world. Neo is coming to question and understand the unreal world of the matrix. Now we are diving into the world of the metaphysical. Discerning whether we can determine reality in either of these two worlds is a real problem. Partridge states, Since the real world and the simulated world are worlds in which the senses receive information, the practical problem is not that they are discontinuous, but that they are indiscernible (Partridge). This is a real problem for Neo; as we find after his kung fu training with Morpheus, when his teacher questions Neos understanding of reality, You believe your really breathing? He is later told, coming upon a child bending spoons with his mind in Yuri Gellar fashion, that he will only come to understand the real nature of the matrix once he comes to understand that in the matrix, there is no spoon (The Matrix). It seems as though the differences between the two tales on a metaphysical level does not inhibit them from sending a similar message. They both send the message of the unreliability of the epistemological information gathered through the senses. They stress a need to disconnect from the senses in order to attain genuine knowledge. The stories also wonderfully illustrate the psychological hardship that is placed on the characters having to do so. Thus, the question, by what means does Neo come to discover hope in an answer or trust in his knowledge of the good. For our prisoner, the question is answered very succinctly, Last of he will be able to see the sun, and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate him as he is Clearly, he said, he would first see the sun and then reason about him (Plato: The Republic). For Neo hope in answer comes in a much more personal form. After many trials, the film climaxes with Neo coming to grips with the fact that he has been The One all along. Coaxed into questioning his reality by Morpheus, he is left to follow the path of self-realization on his own. In this way, he can develop his own care of the soul. He overcame the introduction of self-doubt in the form of the oracle. He overcame the overpowering force of the agents to become reborn, phoenix like, to the understanding of himself. This revelation would prove to be extremely transformative. Clearly, he has come to grips with his knowledge and belief in the good. Partridge claims, There is a single item the knowledge of which makes the knower more integrated and more powerful, and for Neo it is self-knowledge. The same message holds true for our prisoner. It is through the knowing of the true self, which causes the prisoner to become productive, a savior of himself and others. After the prisoners revel ation of the good, his first thoughts are of the others in the cave. They both have come to know of Socrates primary concern of care of the soul, trust in the knowledge of the good. Finally, we look to ourselves concerning what these stories tell us. It is the path of knowledge that is placed before us and the stakes are for the care of the soul. For Neo, his quest was to take him through the trials and hardships of self-realization that he would have to endure so that he might come to know for himself that he was indeed The One. Our prisoners quest mirrors this. Ultimately, we are drawn to Socratic questions; in what ways are we living diminished lives? Are we resting on our own ideas of knowledge? Are we even asking the right questions? It is through the stinging realization of our own ignorance that we are finally able to start our own paths toward the understanding of the good. Plato makes it plain when he uses Socrates to tell us that we are all prisoners in the cave. If any doubt this, recall the position we are in when go to see movies such as The Matrix itself. Imagine a dark world filled with people watching shadows on a screenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Macbeth Character Analysis Assignment: Macbeth Is Evil :: William Shakespeare

Macbeth Character Analysis Assignment: Macbeth Is Evil In Shakespeare?s play Macbeth, Macbeth is motivated to commit his evil acts by three forces. For example, the witches in the play give him the first idea that he will be king. In addition, his own ambition starts to take over later in the play. Lastly, Lady Macbeth pushed and forced him constantly to commit these evil acts. By listening to these evil forces, Macbeth commits evil acts which make him evil. The three witches in the play are a pretty big influence on Macbeth. For example, the witches tell him that he will be the Thane of Cawdor. ?All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor.? (I.iii.47). This quote shows that Macbeth is confident that he will eventually be king. Also, the witches tell him none of woman born can kill him, therefore, making him feel invincible. ?The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.? (IV.i.79-80). This quote proves that Macbeth is becoming even more confident because he knows from the witches prophecies none of a woman born can kill him. In the end, the witch?s basically started out Macbeth?s ambitions to become king who makes him commit evil acts. Secondly, it?s Macbeth?s own ambition to become king. One way he proves this is by killing his best friend Banquo because he wants to keep the throne and the witches said Banquo?s sons shall be kings. ?It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul?s flight (III.i.144-145). This quote shows how Macbeth evil is taking over him. He kills his best friend and he starts to murder innocent children. ?He has kill?d me, mother (IV.ii.83). Although he regrets murdering Duncan, murder to Macbeth was not a big deal anymore. Lastly, Lady Macbeth is a huge factor in Macbeth?s evil acts. For instance, she is the one who really starts him off to kill. Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth for her satisfaction of being queen .In addition to this, she constantly questions his manliness making him feel like a sissy/wimp if he doesn?t commit this act. ?What beast was 't then, That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man.? (I.vii.48-50) This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is questioning Macbeth?s manliness by comparing him to an animal. Moreover, she tried to make Macbeth feel guiltless after he murdered Duncan. ?A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

exposition :: essays research papers

Exposition: How Dating is Like Playing a Board Game   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dating can be looked upon as a game, a game that requires each player assume a role. By assuming roles they must stick to their role without rearing off. Each role must be played carefully. The role of the man must be giving to the woman, and the role of the woman is to be patient with the man. All this must be followed like a board game, step by step. When you follow the game and listen carefully it will build a strong relationship. First, the man rolls the dice to see exactly what topic he must discuss with the woman. Then he must ask a question that pretends to that topic. For example if he lands on the topic of future, he must ask all the questions, like what do you see your future to be? He must do this without offending her or he must go back to step one. As he goes through the whole game board he is trying to remember as much information as he can for the second part of the game.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Second, the woman rolls to see exactly what topic she must discuss with the man. Then she must ask questions to about the topic. For example, if she lands on sports she must ask all the questions, like what teams do you like and what are your favorite teams? She must also memorize all the team colors. She must do this without falling asleep or she must start from step one. As she goes through the whole game she is trying to remember, as much information as she can for the second part of the game.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally, the second part of the game arrives in which they both must remember all the information from part one. First the man remembers exactly what she wants to do in the future, without missing a single thing. Then she must remember all the facts about sports without forgetting a thing. If he or she forgets one thing the game is over.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fighting the Big-Box stores :: essays research papers

Introduction The Just family has operated our hardware store in this community for three generations. Our store has supported all of our family members very well in all of our years in business. We have recently been informed that Home Depot is planning on opening a new store in our community. The following is our plan of action to stay in business and continue to serve our community. Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Currently Home Depot is planning on opening a new store in our community. We foresee this posing a huge financial threat to our business. Being a small locally owned hardware store, we are not able to obtain huge volume discounts like the big box stores. Currently our hours of operation are significantly shorter than Home Depot. Home Depot is a nationally renowned name brand store, which in itself will be a significant hurdle to overcome. Home Depot has a huge advertising budget, which includes NASCAR sponsorships and national television advertisements. The paramount concern for us is the competition they will impose relative to our customer base. Current Situation Seymour currently has one other hardware store located in the heart of the city in addition to ours. Both of our businesses have the same hours of operation, which are Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm and 8am until noon on Saturday. Our store has seven employees currently. Four are very knowledgeable individuals with a total of 120 years of experience between them. Two other members work part-time throughout the week stocking shelves and cleaning, while the last employee does the paperwork and ordering for the store. A huge percentage of our customers look to us for advice on how to repair their problems. They value our expertise in plumbing, electrical, paint, and personalized customer service. We believe we have an advantage in this area. Currently, we don’t offer any other services except waiting on the customers, answering questions, and on a limited basis, filling small orders from a limited supply base. Possible Causes of the Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We believe that Home Depot’s purchasing power could be the biggest issue facing us. They are a multi-billion dollar industry dispersing products nationwide. The result is providing lower cost product to the customer, while at the same time offering convenient one-stop shopping. Alternative Approaches After doing some sole-searching and conducting some poles within the community, we have come up with some ideas that might help us overcome the competition with Home Depot.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Continuos Writing Essay

His name is Johan and I called him Uncle Jo. He is my mother’s brother. He is ten years older than me. He is still young and quite successful businessman. He opens his own firm and has many employees. He is single and stays at Kuala Lumpur. I admire him because he is special to me and I likes his personalities. My uncle is a good looking man. His skin is fair and that makes him look handsome. He has straight hair. With a handsome face and muscular arms,he looks strong and brave. He is tall and stylish person. He always wears branded clothes and love Korean fashion. When he smile,I could see both of his dimple and that make him looks more handsome and sweet. His character is very funny and he likes to joke around. He is a very kind hearted. Although he still young,he is not stingy with his money. On Hari Raya,he gives a lot of `duit raya’ to me. He takes a good care of my grandmother. Every month,he brings my grandmother to see a doctor and gives money to my grandmother for her daily use. He likes to help anyone and does not expect anything in return. He is a person who can easily get along with anyone and gets all the work done without hurting anyone. He has a strange habit. For example,he will laugh loudly when he is alone in order to forget his sad experience and stress at work. He likes to go gym to keep his body fit. He also likes outdoor activities such as hiking. Every month,he will go hiking with his friend and takes pictures. His favourite food is something that is spicy such as Korean food. He also like to hear Korean song and watches Korean drama. Everyday although he is busy with his work,he wiil spend his time on his hobby and search about it on internet. He does not like something that is sweet and sour and to be at dirty place. Uncle jo was a good student. He and my mother came from a big family of seven children. Knowing that his parents could not afford to send him to university,he study all his might to obtain a scholarship to take an accounting degree overseas. When he was oversea,he worked part-time and sent money home to support his younger siblings. After graduating with a degree,he joined a big accountant firm. Today,he runs his own firm. His generousity and kindness are shown when he does account for small firm at low fees. Finally,the reason why I like my uncle is because he has the same interest with me such as we likes to hear the same kinds of music and likes to eat somethine that is spicy. Since I was young,his advice has influenced me a lot in the way I look at life and people. His words of encouragement is responsible for my success in my career and personal life today. That is my Uncle Jo,my hero and my beloved mentor. He always be my role model.

Retention Process Essay

The reason for this document to be written is to show how a business employees new people. For each one of these I will describe what they mean and which one is taken step by step: 1. Business approval: this is when a business is approves of having a staff member that is needed for the company in that department and they feel it is needed in this situation, They go through the board of directors to get the answer. 2. Job analysis: this is when a employee goes to a company finds out what their job is and follows what a different person is doing in the job and writes down what they are doing in their job they have applied for. 3. Job description: this is what the job is offering to the person what they will need to do in their time at the company i.e. working hours, pay, frequency and etc. This also describes the job you are applying for and what you will have to do if you get the job this is used to explain to potential employees to see what they are offering to them and to let them know whether they are able to do the job that is being given to them. 4. Person Specification: matching the job description to the qualifications of the person applying for the job, it is used for explaining that to apply for this job you need to have certain skills to do this job efficiently. 5. Advertising: this is when a business needs a replacement or a new staff member to fill for the space left so what the business has to do is to either post the job on the internet to look for replacement to even increase their chances of getting some to do the job than they could put a advert in the local newspaper. There are two ways you can advertise a job by putting it on the paper which is a non electronic way of advertising the job or they could put it on the internet as this is a electronic way a of advertising a job. 6. Candidate short listing: this is when the business is reducing the number of candidates to the final three or so on. 7. Interview/Testing: this when a business ask the person who has applied for the job has to come in for a interview to say whether they are capable of getting the job done and they could try and find a person that can do the job more efficiently than the previous person. But if they feel they can bring good quality to the company they may do a test on them to see how they cope under pressure and what they will give back to the company. 8. Selection: this were the company starts to select its candidates for the job in certain situations you may be asked to perform certain task to see how well you cope with the task or situation. They may even rate you on how good you perform in that. 9. Reference: This is when a company is about to accept you and they need a person to agree with them that they deserve the job this can not be a relative it has to be a non family member so it can either be a banker, doctor, teacher 10. Employee Induction: this is the first day for the employee if he/she has passed all of the task so far set by the company then this will be his/her first induction in which they will show you were you are working what you are going to do in the company and for the company.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Othello Feature Article

William Shakespeare’s play Othello is one of his four most great tragedies. This play is â€Å"widely known as being one of the most moving and most painful with the fall of proud, dignified man, the murder of a graceful, loving woman, and the unreasoning hatred of a â€Å"motiveless† villain†. Othello is an esteemed general respected and honoured for his position despite the fact he is a moor. After promoting the Florentine Cassio, his â€Å"friend† Iago despises Othello’s decision as he believes it should’ve been him who deserved it.Othello later elopes with Desdemona, which was looked down upon due to Othello being a black man. This is where Iago, the protagonist, begins his malicious plan to bring down Othello. Using Rodrigo, who loves Desdemona, to do his dirty work for him. This play was written in 1604; new versions have been made into film with modern day altercations, for example, â€Å"O†, directed by Tim Blake Nelson. Each o f these show similarities and differences. Many of the themes shown in Shakespeare’s original play Othello use the same themes. and The movie â€Å"O† shows a great deal of parallels to the book.Director Tim Blake Nelson stayed true to Shakespeare's original cast, plot, and sequence of events, but he set his movie in modern times. It takes place in a primarily white high school where Odin, playing the part of Othello, is a basketball star who leads his team to many victories. His right-hand-man, Michel (playing Cassio) is always there for him, helping in any way he can. Hugo plays the part of Iago. He shows a lot of jealousy towards Odin and Desi (playing Desdemona) being in a relationship as well as all of Odin's skills.The characters that create this play show one theme all throughout this play, Deception and Illusion vs. Reality. RACISM: Iago says many things that show his racism clear as daylight. Iago refers to Othello as `thick-lips' and `sooty-bosom', also he ca lls him an assortment of animals including `an old black ram', and a `Barbary horse'. Iago speaks to Desdemona's father, Brabantio. He refers to Desdemona and Othello's children being part animal because Iago is comparing Othello's sexuality to that of a horse. You'll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse, you'll have your nephews neigh to you, you'll have coursers for cousins, and gennets for germans† (Shakespeare, 32). McEachern describes Venice as being â€Å"proto-liberal†, even with that view in mind; she describes Iago's racism as being â€Å"super-subtle† (140). Subtle is the word of choice because gradually, all of the main characters become Iago's dupes without knowing it. Iago's racist hatred for blacks gives him a motivation for wanting to destroy Othello's happiness and also gives him a way to do it.Iago only needs to convince Othello that Desdemona hates him because of his color. Iago, in a way, must rationalize and naturalize his own ficti ons as truths in order to get Othello to believe him. He cannot succeed in causing Othello's jealousy unless he believes them, to some degree, himself. â€Å"The most unsettling thing about Iago [†¦ ] is his unblushing separation of being from seeming† (McEachern, 195). Although the reader never finds out what happens to Iago at the end of the play, it is assumed that he gets executed for his treason and lies.All of the energy he used trying to fight Othello, eventually caused his own destruction. Jealousy is destructive weather it is internal, like Iago's racism, or external like Iago's sly hints to Othello about Desdemona's unfaithfulness. â€Å"O† . JEALOUSY: There are many things that Hugo does that show his jealousy towards Odin. He shows shock and dismay when the coach of the team (who is also Hugo's father) said that he loves Odin like his own son. Hugo also takes steroids and other drugs to keep his performance up hoping to surpass Odin's skills.He tells R odger, (who plays the part of Rodrigo) â€Å"I'm considered a utility man. I rebound, I can shoot, I play guard, forward, power forward, you name the position, I fuckin' play it. † â€Å"The point is, I'm the MVP on this piece of shit team [†¦ ]† (â€Å"O†, scene 2). This shows jealousy of Odin because he was selected as MVP of the basketball team. Hugo actually admits that he is jealous, but he sees it as a flaw as opposed to Iago in the play. Hugo talks to Odin before a dunking contest in the gym and says that Odin should forget about Desi.He tells him that he has everything and that he would give his life to be in Odin's shoes and says that Desi is not a prize that he needs to win, but rather that Odin is the prize (â€Å"O†, scene 13). There is one place at the very end of the movie that Hugo directly admits to his jealousy. He is talking about a hawk and how it relates to power, darkness, determination, and to being proud. He says, â€Å"Odin i s a hawk, he soars above us. He can fly. But one of these days everyone's gonna pay attention to me. Because I'm gonna fly too† (â€Å"O†, scene 21).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Porter s Five Forces

Porters Five Forces Porters five forces is a tool for developing corporate strategies to become or remain competitive in an industry. The porter's five forces diagram are shown like: Five forces that determinant competitive powers in a business situation are: Supplier Power: Which is how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. Buyer Power: Which is how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down. Competitive Rivalry: The number and capability of competitors. Threat of substitution: This is affected by how easy customer could find another thing to replace.Threat of New Entry: The ability of people to enter market. Porter's Five Forces Analysis for Apple 1. Supplier Power: As Apple has to pay a lot of attention to develop new technology, scale production of a specific component has decreased. This may result in a negotiation with foundry and affect the overall prices. However, the technique require for foundry is relatively low, so there is a lot of supplier to choose from. Therefo re, the power of supplier is low. 2. Buyer Power: Apple focus on young and high-income groups, due to its successful brand, it aka apple represent as a fashion.Also, as most of the product are based on a unified architecture and style, when a user purchases a product of Apple, they already know the other product. So the customer will be less hesitant and have a high loyalty to the brand. Therefore the power of the buyer is low. 3. Competitive Rivalry: Computer Hardware: Dell, Leno, Acre and other PC manufacturers Computer Software: Microsoft, Google Phone: Monika, Samsung, Motorola, ETC and other smart machines Handheld entertainment devices: Sony Walkway, etc. Tablet: Sony, Leno, Samsung, etc.

Friday, September 13, 2019

History of Western Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Western Tradition - Essay Example The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation are a unified, interconnected whole since the former brought about a new exchange of knowledge and ideas, and with the invention of the printing press enabling the dissemination of these knowledge, individuals start to challenge their devotion and belief to the Catholic Church finally resulting in the Protestant Reformation. The Renaissance and Protestant Reformation brought about numerous changes which marked the way people view various features of modern life. The revival of religion, architecture, and art encouraged the most important developments in the world. The Renaissance ignited developments in architecture and arts. Individuals learned the concept of individualism; they demanded to gain personal recognition of their own actions rather than gaining credit for their dedication to God. Numerous architectural styles were created during the Renaissance period. The Renaissance created questions concerning the way to salvation by intr oducing new insights, specifically the importance placed on individualism, which was a belief that individuals have the capability of differentiating right from wrong, and deciding whether to act morally or immorally. The Catholic Church, passionately promoted the knowledge that salvation can only be attained through the Church, but when Martin Luther read the passage in the bible declaring ‘just shall live by his faith’1 to imply that genuine belief or faith is the only way to salvation he started to question the all-powerful foundation of the church. In one of Luther’s table talk, against Catholicism in 1535, he stated one of his major disputations: The chief cause that I fell out with the pope was this: the pope boasted that he was the head of the Church, and condemned all that would not be under his power and authority; for he said, although Christ be the head of the Church, yet, notwithstanding, there must be a corporal head of the Church upon earth. With th is I could have been content, had he but taught the gospel pure and clear, and not introduced human inventions and lies in its stead.2 The Christian cleric Luther was very troubled over the existence of indulgences, or the religious practice of giving money to the church, hence he created his book of disputes referred to as the ‘Ninety-Five Theses’.3 This document is an effort to explain and elaborate on the issue. Yet, because of the invention of the printing press during the Renaissance period, the document of Luther became a general text and was quite interesting to thinkers and philosophers who also oppose the religious institution. The Renaissance also contributed greatly to the Protestant Reformation when Luther attributed his interpretation of the Bible to his personal perspective of religion, thus he persevered to translate the Bible into the German language in order for more people to understand it. Yet again, the Renaissance printing press helped in the dissem ination of the translated Bible, and also in the circulation of guides that persuaded many to follow the teachings of Luther and Protestantism. The Renaissance basically was a period where new knowledge was recognized, and was still accepted after it ended. This acceptance of knowledge enabled the principles of Luther to cope, alongside a large number of Protestant branches to emerge. A French intellectual, John Calvin, abided by the teachings of Luther but instead of giving emphasis on salvation he persuaded the population to acknowledge the justice,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Enterprise knowledge management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Enterprise knowledge management - Essay Example discussions on theories pertinent to the progress of a company or organization in the business realm (even lay persons think of business success in this way) is always equated to the continued accumulation of wealth or profit in terms of monetary returns or other similar concrete and measurable outputs. There is, indeed, nothing wrong with the old, traditional conception of business success. But what is made crystal-clear is the fact that such measure is not enough to gauge real capital of companies or organizations at play in our era – the era of knowledge. James Brian Quinn, Philip Anderson and Sydney Finkelstein in their article Managing Professional Intellect: Making the Most of the Best have explicitly stated that â€Å"intellectual assets, unlike physical increase in value and use. Properly stimulated knowledge and intellect grow exponentially when shared.†1 And this claim properly presents the notion that the call and demand of the time among and between companies and organizations is to continuously destroy all boundaries and hindrances of knowledge via sharing of knowledge from within and from without. But what does it entail? Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton in their article The Balance Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action have highlighted the stark reality that if companies in the contemporary period want to be competitive, aggressive and progressive they should learn to project not only within short term perspectives but that they should also be able to come up with a viable and workable long term plans. The idea of having long term plans and projections entail the presupposition of having human resources being thrust in the center as the main and focal point in business environment, in the connection and collaboration of organizational and structural systems moving towards the establishment of a harmonious and friendly yet very, very competitive ambiance in the business world. However, if one is going to be honest to one’s self one

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wynn Las Vegas Functional Strategy Audit Assignment

Wynn Las Vegas Functional Strategy Audit - Assignment Example The latter will build on the initiative of the corporate stage to align the strategies. The strategies at the business level mainly center on navigating within the market systems whereas, at the corporate level, the strategies concentrate on defining the market. In addition, the policies at the functional level are responsible for complementing the strategies at the business and corporate levels. The strategies at the enterprise level in Las Vegas will mainly address issues on performance. Entities focus on a particular market, product or even an industry. The unit has strategies as well as competitors. The strategies here will center on a particular line of service or product for that matter. They involve decisions in regard to these services or products. To achieve this, the business will analyze the target customers. These persons exist either as groups or individuals. Getting to understand their needs and suggestions is at the core of the strategies. They are the end users and know best how they need the service. That goes hand in hand with the plan on pricing of the products. It should be wholly inclusive to accommodate discounts, bonuses, variations on premiums and promotions. Having a favorable deal will increase customer trust as well as reliability. Issues of strategies of operation culminate around the choice of locating the business and embracing technology in the delivery of the services. For example, is the current location of the Wynn suitable to meet its future aims? A proper location will include one that is accessible to the consumers, to the workers and has an affordable network of transportation. The integration of information technology will ensure accurate delivery of services in a shorter while. Further, there is need to have people well acquainted with the use of the new technologies (Consultants, 2015). The preceding couples with the use of the internet for communication with customers on new products and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ethics in Public sector - USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics in Public sector - USA - Essay Example Intergovernmental transfers are explicit transfers of funds from the state and Federal governments. The Federal government uses numerous different government programs to implement intergovernmental transfers. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid are just a few examples of the numerous Federal government programs which provide support for local government expenditure on financial assistance to low-income households and health care. Intergovernmental transfers have a positive effect on local residents and businesses because they enable the provision of essential services. Essential services improve the welfare of residents and provide local businesses with an accommodating environment for carrying out their activities. They include public safety, sanitation, education, environmental and natural resource management, transportation, public health, economic development, and capital expenditure on infrastructure. The amount of Intergovernmental transfers allocated to various local authorities varies considerably. It is not a reliable source of revenue for local governments, and the Federal government provides intergovernmental transfers based on need and merit among the jurisdictions of local governments, as well as the national economic circumstances. ... in terms of property tax. Property taxes account for the majority portion of tax revenue collected by local governments. It may be levied on personal property or real estate. These include buildings, land, and personal improvements. Local governments mainly use revenue from property tax to fund public schools, therefore, serving to facilitate the provision of quality education. They also use it to finance the provision of social services and amenities. Property taxes levied on businesses reduce their revenue and profits. Businesses do not benefit from them because their main use is funding of public schools at the expense of improving infrastructure. Property taxes are relatively reliable as a source of revenue for local governments because they do not fluctuate significantly in response to changing economic circumstances. Local governments usually calculate it as the property’s fair market value times a tax rate times an assessment ratio, and may adjust the tax rate to mainta in steady revenue even when economic circumstances are unfavorable. Sales and gross receipts tax are the third major sources of revenue for local governments in the U.S. Local governments impose sales tax on the consumers of products produced by various businesses, whereas they levy gross receipts tax on a company’s total gross revenue. Sales and gross receipts tax are unpopular among residents and businesses respectively. This is because sales tax makes goods more expensive for consumers and gross receipts taxes reduce the income and profits of businesses. Revenue from sales and gross receipts tax vary in accordance with economic circumstances. This is because the income of businesses and the ability of residents to spend on

Monday, September 9, 2019

In depth analysis about article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In depth analysis about article - Essay Example But at the same time, author’s view on internationalization is also pertinent because it helps the nations to maintain their autonomy vis-a-vis their fiscal policies and economic welfare and equitable distribution of wealth for the wider welfare of their people. The article emphasizes that globalization promotes economic integration across the globe through free trade and liberalization. It has resulted in diminishing national boundaries and brought in influx of foreign trade, both in term of goods and human capital. Daly believes that it undermines the national interests of the individual nations. But it nevertheless greatly facilitates the development process in the developing and under developed countries which need to be exposed to the opportunities for improving their standard of living. The developing world has indeed gained through globalization! Daly also asserts that internationalization would be more relevant because it helps to maintain national identity but promote s international relation through trade, treaties, alliances and protocols etc. The author has unconsciously supported the process of globalization in his emphasis for internationalization! When trade and business alliances are encouraged across nations, inter-dependency of economic units become vital ingredients of the developing relationship.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Transcultural nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Transcultural nursing - Essay Example People of this organization know for sure that there are a lot of people who look forward to them. The inhabitants of those countries are abandoned by their government and by the whole world, as they think. They consider the Transcultural Nursing Society to be the only one organization in the world which can help them to stay alive. It is their last hope. The focus of this nursing training is the integration of the international and transcultural content into the training. Courses contain studying in the area of cultural dissimilarity, nursing in the other countries and international health issues and organizations, as an example. There is even a Transcultural Nursing Society. My own opinion is that such organizations should exist, because a lot of people in the world need help. And this organization was created to help people all over the world. The Transcultural Nursing Society has its mission, vision and values. The mission of the Transcultural Nursing Society is to engrave the characteristic of culturally congruent, competent, and rightful care that gives its results in perfected health and well being of people worldwide. The vision of the society is to provide nurses and other professionals that care about the health of people with necessary knowledge to assure cultural ability in practice, education research and administration. The philosophy of the society is that Transcultural nursing is a theory based on humanistic discipline projected to serve people, societies, organizations and communities. Human solicitude is sharply defined within the context of the culture. Culturally capable care can only appear when we know the culture care and it serves as the basis for significant care. Erudition is the foundation of the training of TCN.Increased educational preparation in TCN improves the training of culturally competent solicitude certification documents clearness of the talent to provide culturally established care to reach our vision; the Transcultural Nursing Society needs a stable financial base. This organization is known all over the world, but my own opinion is that not many people know about the origin of the Society, about its history. Leninger founded and became a leader of this new nursing speciality. At the XX century there was no cultural base to guide nursing actions and decisions to understand cultural deportment to provide therapeutic care. Leninger wrote the first book concerning this question and was the first human being who coined two terms, such as "transcultural nursing" and "culturally congruent care." At the University of Colorado Leninger organized the first course of Transcultural Nursing. It happened in 1966. Nowadays, Transcultural theory persists to refine and expand itself. Transcultural Nursing Society was established in 1970 as an information-sharing group. But the year of formal appearance of the organization was in 1974. Today it is well known all over the world. The priorities of the organization remained the some. Its members are very active in such transnational and national arenas as teaching, consultation, direct care, research. The organization has its official journal, which appeare d in 1989. The title of the journal is the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Self care deficit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self care deficit - Essay Example Though self-care desire is common in patients across healthcare facilities in the country, certain patient conditions cannot allow self-care to be possible. This is specifically common among aged patients who also suffer from other conditions, which affects their coordination and self-reliance. Self-care deficit symptoms in the elderly should be clearly identified before the decision to allow patients to be independent can done (Taylor & Renpenning, 2011). Neuromuscular impairment is common among elderly patients suffering from cerebrovascular accidents. Others include musculoskeletal disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment and lack of enough energy to carry out various self-care responsibilities. In such cases, self-care deficit symptoms can be identified and used to inform the decisions of the nursing department. Lacking the ability to independently feed and dress are common signs of deficit in self-care. Such patients must be provided with an assistant to help them dress and feed well without facing the threat of malnutrition (O’Shaughnessy, 2014). Lacking the ability to bathe and groom among the elderly is also a common symptom of self-care deficit. Such patients must be bathed and groomed by nurses to ensure high patient hygiene. Other symptoms of the deficit include inability to perform toilet task, move from bed to wheelchair, ambulate independently, perform other tasks such as make telephone calls, or write letters. Identification of such deficits will improve the nursing environment and decision making especially within elderly care facilities (Orem, Renpenning & Taylor, 2003). Self-care in patients can be associated with cultural behavior and practices in some environment and this affects the process of addressing the deficit. With the increasing number of male nurses, certain cultures and religion have found it difficult to embrace such caregivers due to cultural reasons. This has affected the

American Indian Smithsonian Museum Essay Example for Free

American Indian Smithsonian Museum Essay The second floor of National Museum of the American Indian contains many interesting exhibits that tell stories of American Indians, such as the livelihood of Native Americans in the present time and the culture of American Indians. There are many items that are related to American Indians’ lives in those exhibits. However, the author of this essay is interested in The American Indian which is the name of an oil painting that has been depicted in one of those exhibits, Our Live. This oil painting was painted on linen in 1970 by Fritz Scholder who was the renowned Native American artist of the 20th century. The painting depicts an American Indian man who beautifies his long black hair with a feather and holds a pipe tomahawk in front of the yellow and brown background. Additionally, the man covers the American flag over his body. The Our Live exhibit represents contemporary life and identities of American Indians. According to the website of National Museum of the American Indian, â€Å"The main section of Our Lives centers on various layers of identity. For Native people, identitywho you are, how you dress, what you think, where you fit in, and how you see yourself in the worldhas been shaped by language, place, community membership, social and political consciousness, and customs and beliefs. But Native identity has also been influenced by a legacy of legal policies that have sought to determine who is Indian and who is not. The issue of Native identity continues to resonate today, as Native people across the Americas seek to claim the future on their own terms. In other words, a significant number of Native Americans attempt to remain their identities; their languages, tradition, culture and custom although the English language, new culture and modern life style of modern Americans influence over their lives. As a result, all of the items that are shown in this exhibit express the view of American Indians about protecting or continuing their lives and identities though their society is affected by white people. For example, the oil painting, The American Indian, is not just the painting that is hanging in order to decorate a wall, but there is the hidden meaning behind the picture. The artist’s inspiration came from the relationship between native nations and modern nations which were full of complexities and ironies, confrontation and negotiations. Also, the artist painted the pipe tomahawk in the man’s hand in order to represent the notion that American Indian were not willing to give their land to white people, and they did not want to abandon their identities, so they had to fight for maintaining their land and their culture. The information board beside this painting states â€Å"The pipe tomahawk reminds us that our survivance was not freely given, we have had to defend it. † Moreover, although American Indians attempt to fight for their identities following their culture, they have to behave in modern American ways in order to survive in present society; using English instead of their traditional languages, changing their religions to Christianity, and changing their culture to modern Americans’ culture. Therefore, the artist expresses this feeling in the picture by draping the American flag over the Native American man’s figure. Because of the profound meaning of this oil painting that is able to tell the story and feeling of Native Americans, it is one of the important items that is shown in this museum. This oil painting is related to the story, â€Å"Decolonising the Mind†, in the book One World, Many Cultures. According to the story, the narrator whose name was Ngugi Wa Thiong’o was born in 1938 in Kenya, Africa. He started his story by introducing his language, Gikuyu and a traditional story that was told to teach Kenyan children by using an animal as the main character of a story. However, everything was changed when he went to a school that was a colonial school. In the school, he must use only English though he talked to Kenyan friends who have Gikuya as their own language. If any student disobeyed this rule, they would be given corporal punishment or fined money that they were not able to afford. Also, English literature was taught to all Kenyan students, whereas the oral literature of Kenya was discontinued to educate Kenyan children. Moreover, the narrator stated that if students had distinctions in all subject except English, they were not able to attend any universities and have high-paying job. Additionally, Ngugi said â€Å"the real aim of colonialism was to control people’s wealth: what they produced, how they produced it, and how it was distributed; to control, in other words, the entire realm of the language of real life. In other words, he thought colonialism controlled his country and forced him to abandon his language and culture. Although he had a notion that he resisted changing the language and culture in his country that was controlled by colonialism, he had to behave in the ways that the colonialism commanded because he did not have any choices. In other words, following the rule of colonialism was the only way that he could survive in the society. Similarly, the oil painting, the American Indian, represents modern Americans attempt to transform Native Americans. American Indians did not have any choices as same as the Kenyan people had to change their own identities; tradition, culture and language in order to survive in the obligatory circumstances. After reading the story, â€Å"Decolonising the mind†, and visiting the Our Live exhibit, the narrator of this essay thinks that culture and tradition are used to identify the difference of each country around the world, and also, people in each country are proud of their own culture, tradition and languages. As a result, people do not want others to come to their lands and command them to eliminate their culture and tradition in order to follow the new culture and tradition. This feeling is contained in both the story and the oil painting that the writer describes in this essay. Finally, the author of the essay believes that although colonialism is able to force people to behave in its ways, it cannot completely change people’s minds.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Significant Nutrition Problems Essay Example for Free

Significant Nutrition Problems Essay 1. List 3 significant nutrition problems associated with obesity in young children and adolescents. Cite references.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Three significant nutrition problems associated with childhood and adolescent obesity are hypothyroidism, type II diabetes, and dyslipidemia (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007). Hypothyroidism is the failure of the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones which is caused by certain nutrition problems such as increased cholesterol levels and low serum sodium. Type II diabetes is a condition wherein the body fails to properly utilize insulin due to the increase in glucose. Finally, dyslipidemia is a condition characterized by high blood cholesterol and increased triglycerides mainly due to consumption of foods high in fat (United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, 2008). Factors that increase iron deficiency in older adults.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Among older adults, there are several factors that increase the occurrence of iron deficiency. These include the diet, age, and physical condition. Basically as people age, their physical abilities wear down, such as losing their teeth, and they tend to consume less food. As a result, the amount of iron in their body goes down. Another major factor is internal bleeding which is usually caused by tumors and ulcers among old people (KomoTV, 2008). When old people bleed, they lose iron and this eventually leads to iron deficiency. Food and Nutrition Information Center   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basically, the difference between the food pyramid of old people and the food pyramid of children is that in the former there is more emphasis on the intake of foods that have more fiber and vitamins and less calories such as fruits and vegetables while the latter focuses more on whole grain foods and also fruits and vegetables. I believe that any older adult or child can adhere to the guidelines set by the pyramid because it is basically easy to follow. The only thing that hinders children from following the pyramid is the lack of guidance from parents while in older adults, there is lack of discipline. Otherwise, I believe that any person, no matter how young or old he or she is can follow these guidelines and be able to live a healthy life.   References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Obesity and Overweight. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from (2008). Iron Deficiency. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from United States Department of Agriculture. (2008). Dietary Guidance: Food Guide Pyramid. Food and Nutrition Information Center. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. (2008). High blood cholesterol and triglycerides. MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. (2007). Hypothyroidism. MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. (2007). Type 2 diabetes. MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Importance of Communication in Human Resources

Importance of Communication in Human Resources Critically analyse the importance of effective communication skills in relation to the practice of Human Resource Management. In a workplace increasingly swirling with change, where the people part of the equation is increasingly critical to organizational success, getting communication right could be the defining factor in gaining competitive advantage. The importance of human capital: the idea that people are increasingly the only asset that differentiates one organization from another; puts human resource management (HRM) squarely at the forefront of the rapid change toward an information based economy. People need to know what’s in it for them and HR program components hold the answers. The best designed benefits package or most elegant compensation design will fail if no one fully understands and appreciates it. Thus, no other function could benefit from effective communication skills more than human resources. Broadly speaking, effective communication is â€Å"leader-driven and attempts to help people understand the market forces that shape the actions and strategy of the business.† (D’Aprix, 1996) This means that communication planning should incorporate how to drive employee behaviour to fulfil business outcomes, not simply the tactics and channels used to disperse information to a workforce. The result for business, and hence HRM, has been the challenge of getting the right people in the right place doing the right work in the right way. It may sound simple but is complicated by the simultaneous demographic changes challenging the working world. The population is aging with more employees wanting to stay put for longer at one end of the spectrum, while at the other end younger workers are moving more often. However, 75 percent of the jobs available are in the information, technology and service sectors, areas which traditionally skew toward younger applicants. Amid this ch ange, HR and other managers are faced with rallying their people around a set of common goals aimed at winning in the marketplace, and building such affiliation by negotiation among various employee groups is no easy task. Indeed, effective negotiation skills involve not only getting your message across to another person, but learning how to read what the other person is saying to you. This means not only listening to other people’s words, but also learning to interpret their body language. It also means learning to communicate without pre-empting other people or making them defensive. (Griffin, 1998) Studies on audiences’ reactions to speeches show that a speaker’s persuasive powers come from not just what is said but the way the speaker looks and sounds. Since the nonverbal cues you project are as powerful as the verbal ones, first, determine what it is you want the person you’re communicating with to do, then select an appropriate combination of words and body language to convey your message in order to communicate effectively and influence them in negotiations. The ultimate goal is to include others in the communication process without coming across as threatening, in or der to minimise conflict and stress, which are both increasingly critical problems in the modern workplace (Sanchez and Dempsey, 2002) Management style is the key to effective communication skills, and thus managers need to establish a style that makes them feel comfortable, in order to avoid stress for both themselves and their staff. For example, some managers may be comfortable getting personal with employees; while others may not and thus should not. Whatever style managers do adopt, in order to be effective they must be sure to use it consistently with all employees, as the biggest source of anxiety for both managers and employees is unclear or inconsistent instructions (Griffin, 1998). Also, to improve the handling of discipline and grievances, managers should be accessible and available when employees seek them out, to avoid grievances or problems escalating. To handle and prevent grievances, managers should be generous with as much positive feedback as possible, and include helpful criticism which focuses on the results of employees’ work. Listening to complaints without being defensive, and sympathiz ing with people so that they know they’re getting through, are also critical skills for handling grievances, which can otherwise spread and harm morale and productivity (HR Briefing, 2000). However, whilst conflict is often viewed as a problem to be avoided, conflict is also an opportunity to improve communications, build teamwork and relationships, and learn about the wants and needs of others. When conflicts arise, they don’t have to be immediately resolved, and often an attempt to do so results in cutting off communication. Indeed, in most instances it’s better for HR managers to act on conflict when they have more information, instead of approaching the problem at a time when tempers are likely to flare. Even in situations where a serious confrontation is unavoidable, and could result in a resignation or serious industrial unrest, managers can ease the tension by making sure to give themselves time to carefully formulate a response. In conclusion, the key to a beneficial HR and internal communication relationship is cooperation and mutual respect instead of competition, conflict, or worse, indifference. Communication cannot be an afterthought relegated to the bottom level of HRM considerations, and restricted to writing e-mails and conducting formal appraisals By recognising the importance of effective communication, HRM can deliver more effective services and ensure accomplishment of its people mission with communication being the critical success factor. In contrast, if HRM fails to develop its communication skills to a truly effective level it risks failing to fulfil its mission of developing, retaining and rewarding the talent necessary for a business to succeed. In extreme examples, ineffective communication can even create problems itself, especially in times of change or uncertainty, when clear, consistent communication is vital to maintaining employee and managerial morale and productivity. References D’Aprix, R. (1996) Communicating for Change: Connecting the Workplace With the Marketplace. Jossey-Bass. Griffin, J. (1998) How To Say It At Work. Prentice Hall Direct. HR Briefing (2000) Wrong words and moves create conflict. Aspen; 1st July 2000, p. 7. Sanchez, P. and Dempsey, T. (2002) Communication the critical success factor. Strategic HR Review; Vol. 2, Issue 1, p. 24